National Association of State Fire Marshals

A strong united voice for fire prevention

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    • 16 Oct 2024
    • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    • CAL -Fire Offices 715 P St., Sacramento, CA 95814
    • 40
    Registration is closed

    The National Association of State Fire Marshals

    in association with
    The California State Fire Marshals Office presents

    Pipeline Emergencies Train the Trainer
    CAL PERI program

    The National Association of State Fire Marshals (NASFM), working in conjunction with the California State Fire Marshals Office, DOT PHMSA, and industry, will be presenting a full day of training on pipelines and responding to pipeline incidents.  Individuals who attend this train the trainer may be offered a contract to conduct Pipeline Emergencies Training across the State of California.

    This 8-hour training program will be held on October 16th at CAL FIRE-Office of the State Fire Marshal at 715 P St., Sacramento, CA 95814 starting at 8AM.  This course will cover several pipeline, and pipeline response topics, and will conclude with several classroom exercises to give responders a chance to practice what they have learned.  

    This course is based upon the 3rd edition of the Pipeline Emergencies curriculum which has been used as a successful guide by responders across the country, to aid them in responding to these types of incidents.  This is a Train-the-Trainer program.  Attendees should have a Fire Service Instructor I certification, or equivalent certification from Law Enforcement or EMS.  

    Upon completion of this program, and with the approval of NASFM and CAL Fire, individuals may be offered a contract with NASFM to instruct additional Pipeline Emergencies courses around the state of California.  

    For a local contact regarding this program reach out to:
    Wendy Collins @ or call  797-227-6568.

    For more information on how to become a contract instructor for NASFM contract Philip Oakes at 407-232-2807 or

    Pipeline Emergencies is designed to help fire service and industry emergency responders to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to manage a pipeline incident safely and effectively. It is based upon nationally recognized engineering practices, recommended operating practices, and training programs.

    Fire Chief (Ret.) Philip Oakes will be the instructor for this program.  A retired fire chief with over 23 years of experience and response to numerous Oil Field and energy emergencies, Philip has taught this curriculum all over the world for several years.